Hobbs and Beloch talk a lot (a lot, a lot) about the demise of G+ and the OSR. They discuss Beloch’s blog, podcast and the toxicity of the OSR and overall pulse of the scene according to Daddy Shrike. If…

Hobbs and Beloch talk a lot (a lot, a lot) about the demise of G+ and the OSR. They discuss Beloch’s blog, podcast and the toxicity of the OSR and overall pulse of the scene according to Daddy Shrike. If…
Hobbs talks with Brendan about his Beast Mode GMing and writing in general. It includes a few stories, lots of laughs and perhaps some advice. If you enjoy this trip into Mr Hobbs Gamerhood give us some feedback on what…
Hobbs, Donn, and James Pozenel discuss their current kickstarter, The Lesser Key to the Celestial Legion. The group actually uses the project to create a Herald and information about a god that Hobbs vows to use in a game! If…
Hobbs and Jim discuss how Jim got into Vlogging and the story of his show WebDM. Jim and Pruitt do a great job of using OSR gaming theory and applying it to 5e Dungeons & Dragons. If you enjoy this…
Hobbs and Luka discuss how cool Luka’s art is, the Hydra Cooperative, Luka’s various projects and what it’s like in the RPG scene in Seoul. A very polite and personal guest. If you enjoy this trip into Mr Hobbs Gamerhood…
Hobbs is joined by Brett Bloczynski of Gaming & BS. They discuss the usual stuff including Gamehole Con, their other podcasts and Brett’s Kickstarter project; Streets of Avalon If you enjoy this trip into Mr Hobbs Gamerhood give us some…
Sup Hobgoblins. Jason was good enough to record a number of “Bathroom Interviews” at Gary Con 2018. Enjoy these conversations and join Hobbs’ Gamerhood on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/OSRnHobbs/posts