Welcome to episode #55 of Hobbs & Friends. Ram is one of the mediators from G+ and I miss interacting with him (and everyone else there) terribly. It was great to catch up and hopefully highlight his importance to the…

Welcome to episode #55 of Hobbs & Friends. Ram is one of the mediators from G+ and I miss interacting with him (and everyone else there) terribly. It was great to catch up and hopefully highlight his importance to the…
Welcome to episode #54 of Hobbs & Friends. Mike is an ENnie award-winning game designer and Blogger. We have some shared experience in social media conflagrations. We discuss all that and more on this episode. If you enjoy this trip…
Welcome to episode #53 of Hobbs & Friends! It seems like we’re on a roll lately to try and make up fo July. Courtney is a LONG standing blogger of the OSR and has been branching out in a lot…
Welcome to this episode #51 of Hobbs & Friends. This is the second anniversary of the show. I can’t believe it’s been two years. Honestly! I had asked for emails and questions and you responded! If you enjoy this trip…
Hello. I am Jason Hobbs, creator, and host of the RPG Tabletop podcast Hobbs & Friends. I’m creating this recording as a journal entry and observation on Episode #34 of Hobbs & Friends. This particular episode has been a thorn…
Welcome to this episode of Bizarre Chaps. While this is episode #50 of HNF, it’s also a pilot for a new show about the weird west genre! We talk and laugh a lot but mostly talk about Dave’s new Kick…
Unfortunately, I have to initially comment on Gavin’s audio. It isn’t good. I don’t know if this is a conspiracy from those devilish Spellburners or just plain bad connectivity to Germany. Regardless, the majority of the episode is understandable. For…
Hobbs, Justin and David do a great job of mistaken identity and beating a dead horse. They also consider the mixing of Old School maps and 5e writing for a couple projects they are working on including Broadsword! https://www.broadswordmagazine.com If…
Hobbs and Beloch talk a lot (a lot, a lot) about the demise of G+ and the OSR. They discuss Beloch’s blog, podcast and the toxicity of the OSR and overall pulse of the scene according to Daddy Shrike. If…
Hobbs, Donn, and James Pozenel discuss their current kickstarter, The Lesser Key to the Celestial Legion. The group actually uses the project to create a Herald and information about a god that Hobbs vows to use in a game! If…