Welcome, Hobbsgoblins to another, long-awaited episode of Hobbs & Friends! In this episode, we have Ryan Thompson joining us to discuss which is more accurate, monsters inspire the art or art inspires the monster. We talk about our favorite monster…

Welcome, Hobbsgoblins to another, long-awaited episode of Hobbs & Friends! In this episode, we have Ryan Thompson joining us to discuss which is more accurate, monsters inspire the art or art inspires the monster. We talk about our favorite monster…
Welcome my Hobbsgoblins to another episode of HNF! This episode we’re joined by a grognard of epic proportions. He has some great stories about the Wilderlands and his BLOG, Bat in the Attic. Copywriting Points of Light and working through…
Welcome to this episode of Bizarre Chaps. While this is episode #50 of HNF, it’s also a pilot for a new show about the weird west genre! We talk and laugh a lot but mostly talk about Dave’s new Kick…
Hobbs talks with Brendan about his Beast Mode GMing and writing in general. It includes a few stories, lots of laughs and perhaps some advice. If you enjoy this trip into Mr Hobbs Gamerhood give us some feedback on what…
Sup Hobgoblins. Jason was good enough to record a number of “Bathroom Interviews” at Gary Con 2018. Enjoy these conversations and join Hobbs’ Gamerhood on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/OSRnHobbs/posts