Welcome, Hobbsgoblins to another, long-awaited episode of Hobbs & Friends! In this episode, we have Ryan Thompson joining us to discuss which is more accurate, monsters inspire the art or art inspires the monster. We talk about our favorite monster…

Welcome, Hobbsgoblins to another, long-awaited episode of Hobbs & Friends! In this episode, we have Ryan Thompson joining us to discuss which is more accurate, monsters inspire the art or art inspires the monster. We talk about our favorite monster…
Welcome my Hobbsgoblins to another episode of HNF! This episode Edwin Nagy is back! This time we’re talking about what it takes to make a good conv… …translation of Swords & Wizardry product to 5e. Edwin is a really smart…
Welcome my Hobbsgoblins to another episode of HNF! This episode we’re joined by a grognard of epic proportions. He has some great stories about the Wilderlands and his BLOG, Bat in the Attic. Copywriting Points of Light and working through…
Hobbsgoblins rejoice!!! Four straight weeks of HNF episodes! This time we have co-designer of Chivalry & Sorcery 5th Edition guesting on the show all the way from Dubai. He has some great ideas on a menagerie of topics and wonderful…
Hello Hobbsgoblins! Another fine episode in under the wire of July. This time Kevin Madison of Dungeon Muser YouTube is here talking about streaming games and considerations of Rime of the Ice Maiden. We also discuss the proliferation of reworking…
Hello Hobbsgoblins! As some of you may be aware, my editor had to step down for now. It is a troubled heart that led to asking for someone to take up the mantle and they did! Now that is out…
Hello Hobbsgoblins! Welcome to episode #60 with Michael “CHGOWIZ” Shorten. We have a great conversation concerning his long history with the old school scene and his impact and contributions. I wanted to talk specifically about his 3 Hex Campaign Starter.…
Hello Hobbsgoblins! This is episode #58 with Jeff Rients. A few days after this episode was recorded Mr Rients made a questionable decision concerning his freedom of speech. However, as a body of work, I think Jeff is a good…
Welcome to episode #57 with James Maliszewski! Getting James on the show was a great achievement and pay no attention to how long it took me to do it. He talks about blogging, podcasting, and Kickstarter, oh my! You don’t…
Welcome to episode #55 of Hobbs & Friends. Ram is one of the mediators from G+ and I miss interacting with him (and everyone else there) terribly. It was great to catch up and hopefully highlight his importance to the…